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@Dominic %+WP4++A4PSy5riB4SfVhEQknfFueFhZOYBPiIUbW8PE=.sha256

This is a secret-image. Your ssb client probably can't display this yet, because I only just implemented this feature, and the pull requests are not yet merged, but once it is, you'll be able to view this.

Normally you don't publish secret blobs to public messages! I'm just doing it this way to show everyone how it works. If this was in a private message, recipients of that private message would know the key. But when it's requested from pubs etc, those requests are made without the key, so the pub doesn't ever get to see the plain text!


to view this, you need these:

There are no clients that currently support creating secret-blobs, but you can use ssb-secret-blob to do it from the terminal.

This is an exciting new feature! but I think we should discuss this change a little before we actually merge these!

@Dominic %ikcVOd9GCJBWI/3szXvVnSRvbbGAvRpkyRKgzW9pT+o=.sha256

Maybe encrypted images should be shown with some sort of filter over it (so people can't shoulder surf, and so that it feels all secret squirrel) and when you mouse over it it shows.

@cel %+9A6yK4JosVUDG4ugZMaDyb+KcjFRoSSM8CDQkx8axA=.sha256

Just curious, how did you change your mind from the previous link format (blob#key)? %YStWXK6... %iYUqbfS...

Do you think anything should go in the mentions array for an encrypted blob link?

@Dominic %Yq8ZWq6ejk0qqzzazseuwSxNfaIWGvBPxhvjeyxzyjA=.sha256

@cel originally I wanted to use # because it doesn't get sent in the HTTP request, so it would be properly end-to-end and decrypted on the client but then:

  • I changed my mind about the liteclient - I don't think it will be possible to implement all the private groups feature I want on the lite client. lite client can be public only someone still wants it.
  • instead, moving towards idea for websbot, which means sbot is the end point.
  • we need indexes of private messages, so doesn't make much difference if sbot also handles blob decryption.
  • also, patchfoo is one of the most popular clients, and has no javascript on the client. Also same peolpe have a seemingly irrational but deepseated loathing of javascript, and they like http only.
  • it was simple enough to whip up late at night before I went to bed, which is why I did it now and didn't put it off till later.

yeah, it should probably be in the mentions array too. I think this needs a isBlobWithQuery(blob_id) or something to check wether the given link is an extended blob id (maybe there will be other properties that want to go in the query string too?)

@cel %gKahk5YhdGodJDRbPAlTMqFvJYt5R6hQZkAjoOiAJ28=.sha256

#patchfoo will use this format now for blobs in private messages. %2tn4qhH... %kFr5Tag... %8HMYjwW...

@Dominic %/9o4n5jo29uXCks6RycWpv/Wct+yanug0SGz9w2+Rlg=.sha256

I merged everything and secret-blobs are now working in patchless. If this PR was merged, it should work in patchwork and patchbay (I have tested it in patchbay!)

Of course, secret blobs are essential for business mode cos you don't necessarily want everyone to see that secret spreadsheets.

/cc @mix @Dan Hassan

@Dominic %lnv4UesO+ak2AiIv/DNajq5KrIkOa5BQpSR2+w34hFo=.sha256

side note: this will be a perfect way for @nanomonkey to distribute his stenography software

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