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@mix %AKDu5v8qopujSdGRlG4ZIzzOfHecJdWWpwLChGreL3s=.sha256
Voted [@punkmonk](@EaYYQo5nAQRabB9nxAn5i2uiIZ665b90Qk2U/WHNVE8=.ed25519) mentione
@mix %2NHRzsPtX3DTSluXj2L4c3arKavhnCHE9sWnULFvzcs=.sha256

I think this is a great idea @glyph. I'm really fond of video as a format for giving people insights into how things work.

I've talked with @piet about doing a series which is a tour of the work he did making an Android app using Go / Rust / kotlin for example

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@Christian Bundy %hwG1sfjLUSs/sGfcOKsPOtrsCgW0yiymOC8Aw8i9tcw=.sha256


FWIW I've used asciinema for years and I dig it. My only complaint is that I think it's supposed to look like "ASCII cinema" but my brain always parses it as "ASCII enema".

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