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@Hendrik Peter %/z27OjV/FyX1N2OscbrKZTq9paS6Ad9zJUN68sTiEdg=.sha256
Re: %OfJPHPorj

They probably reached out to you in hopes of getting some quotable/sound-bite-able material to publish along with the basic info about "Secure Scuttlebutt".

I'm not all to worried that SSB didn't get a bigger pedestal in the article, right now is probably not the best time for decentralized self-governing platforms to promote themselves ;).

You opened up some very good tracks over the last couple of days when it comes to making sure that people with Ill intend don't grow too much of an (unwilling) audience.
SSB as a protocol is free to use, but in many places, pub/rooms sites and download pages; SSB developers put up notes and notices that people should adhere to the contributor covenant when using the tools that access SSB. The shard I've been sitting on in this network has so far gardened itself well to be a welcoming, kind, fun and mostly responsible group of awesome people!

I think we're on the right track and I've really come to like the weird, fun and interesting stuff that has been taken up around here!

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