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@pospi %1YQkkiTTgFsnfAyaGUYx22ae8gM18stjVcD3e4hwzbA=.sha256
Re: %guoJwH+BR

Pluto retrograde, huh?

Take a breath.

Drink a coffee, or two, or three... walk around, go outside. Answer the phone now and then. Play with your bones. You get the idea. Generally speaking, stay alive.

𝅘𝅥𝅮 Ah, ah, ah, ahhhh
stayin' alive, stayin' alive
ah, ah, ahhhh 𝅘𝅥𝅮

(With apologies- that reference was for a friend ;P)

It's been a big day for me and now it has for you too, so I'll end this piece with a 'random invitation'. Like many of the concepts and memetic weaponry I've dropped into this post, it's spellcasting worth doing in this moment.

If you're gonna do something, do it right.

I don't know how it found its way to me and it has origins unknown (perhaps to inoculate its original author against narcissism) but it probably came to me through my friends in one of the interlinked "Uncolonising Support Groups" us White and White-passing folks are forming. In any case, the language of Decolonial Futures is evident in its composition.

I hope that it haunts you the reader as much as it has me.

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