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@andrestaltz %1Yg3Gblka4h43mmvp774eSx4o+Nx2KPdIJDMR6Zx/U0=.sha256

Manyverse 0.2104.5-beta

🎉 Feature: activity tab shows mentions and follows
🔷 Improve performance on the Raw DB screen


Update from one of these sources:

@luandro %oUv3XUv0+cikr2+w2nSt25x+Lfip5nXhh1+FcB6WxsA=.sha256

All the back-end work has been amazing, but really happy to see ui features coming out again :D

Congrats ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️

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@Hendrik Peter %uf3Chhnum9GfvT69BjHwYkxaL2mRiYXlFOizrWDD3VA=.sha256

Nice @andrestaltz! Looking forward to the update on my phone :D

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