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@ओषधिः %1tIEE6g2tZXBaJgDF712HngyWeoAX4F3Di42SzrPEf8=.sha256
Re: %K4788+w2f

to me seems like a valid critique of self-hosting which I largely agree with (not everyone will run their own email server, and being a lone sysadmin is kind of an anti-pattern), but there are also other responses to this besides embracing the status quo, as you also suggest:

  • coop-cloud (not self-hosting, but hosting by your local community collective of choice)
  • peachcloud, yunohost etc. (make self-hosting graphical and easy, can also be combined with first point)
  • p2p systems that have less burden of hosting

p.s. thanks for sharing and appreciate your framing of ease-of-onboarding as a research topic

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