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@Linas %EqCw1/THkrFqfR43JHg4UxnzMEKGqfw5GhaYlHE3avQ=.sha256

Hang on. There's a box right here. .. There. I've entered some text. Now I feel better. Don't you?

@Linas %3z3bD6M5nlYyjhKQIuyVMDYdcDFtYZmyjCL/MqTS8pY=.sha256
Voted [CW: $] I don't want to keep making free posts on the internet, like at all
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@Linas %TiZmceQiQ6/STsrftkkHrkFfAMtY88Nc9zt40VCimow=.sha256
Voted [CW: $] Step 1. Join a new ${cash_named_social_network}. Step 2. Spam ever
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@Linas %tDV8+tw22Ow8U71LiKAH/xqctctgalNDVzKgyZ17nN4=.sha256
Voted what I think you are talking about is universal basic income, something to
@Linas %PwjlUzIzGysm8Qn9UxQxyQuHAH/ZzqfOOH6y+OBIMcM=.sha256

Well, my attempt at humor went over like a lead balloon. So lets try treating it as a serious point. We live in an age where information is rapidly increasing in value, becoming more valuable than physical objects. The most valuable information is about the behavior of humans. Its valuable because it is used to sell us things, (abstractly: to manipulate our behavior) to change our minds, our vote our political affiliation, or whatever latest scheme to extract money and power from our collective attention span.

This is a real thing. What can you do about it? Um, sure, what @the Queen of England official 👑 said. That's one thing, then. If your smart enough to figure out that your attention span is being exploited, then you're smart enough to figure out what to do if you don't like that.

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@Linas %HNTNyowdWyC/r3o9XD85C6G9bm6ILk8qFmIZXRsEDGk=.sha256
Voted [@Linas](@KswLLKHtpKd0Nay95TEmH4vKLYbOMkS6Co716pddmWI=.ed25519) good points
@Linas %Sf0elLrY4ooAm9SbJtUQ49rXEV+KrM93RYETqjEOp+w=.sha256

I just find it fun to talk and listen. :smile:

I was hoping that this would all go slide down the humor slope, because I'd worked out something punchy about joining the Borg Collective, being Locutus of Borg, and repeating "one of us .. one of us ... one of us..." like in the pod-people movie.

Because, uh, hello, social media? That's what the Borg was, wasn't it? But Locutus never spoke about the mind viruses rampaging through the Borg...

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