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@Soapy mcSoap %6JruhuGNuT1T38pknMdMFLBUOLKSmGjZ+94xnVlev20=.sha256

Back into the world of 4G networking. Moving to a new flat and due to reasons I don't really want to unpack now, I can't get an ISP installed before December (even though there is Fiber here). So, got a 4G router and a little pay as you go sim to test if I can work with this kind of connection until I can get Fiber back in.

It is quite relaxing and impressive how well SSB and similar decentralisation apps work in these scenarios.

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@Soapy mcSoap %j4o1ssO/v72Ru9pL9fD8NAgyYAiC9CRFponR+EUMSXQ=.sha256

@vojta001 here I'm getting kinda between 20Mbps and 40Mbps which sucks for all the video calls I need to do. Guess the house being made of large chonky stone blocks is not helping, but it is so aesthetical.

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@Soapy mcSoap %4BXiRh2tSWioAynu6Ybobb3gjb2go0/344jPkt/Ml94=.sha256


I'm not using others right now. I used to enjoy Gemini a lot and tried NOS protocol as well, but they are not really what I'm looking for. I enjoy Mastodon but hate the design of the protocol, specially how chatty it is.

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