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@andrestaltz %H7FDAMe8xSKyCCYcgf4oMFGveDRmWv84NRY/rgHIRyU=.sha256

Speech to text on Linux

I got tired of wrist pain and hand pain when typing on the computer but my main computer is linux so it's difficult to find good software for speech recognition but i did a simple search on the internet and found a couple of terminal programs that are open source and decided to stall one of these: julius.

The paragraph above was written entirely with my new terminal script dictate that I made to wrap Julius.

Install Julius by following the very carefully. And then put this script in your ~/.bashrc (but careful to replace also THEUSER/PATH/TO):

function dictate {
  /home/THEUSER/PATH/TO/julius/julius/julius -C $MODEL/mic.jconf -dnnconf $MODEL/dnn.jconf | sed '/^sentence1/! s/^.*$//; s/sentence1: <s> //; s:</s>$::'

And your mic.jconf should be:

-input mic
-htkconf wav_config
-hlist ENVR-v5.3.phn
-d ENVR-v5.3.lm
-v ENVR-v5.3.dct
-b 4000
-lmp 12 -6
-lmp2 12 -6
-iwcd1 max
-spmodel sp
-sepnum 150
-b2 360
-n 40
-s 2000
-m 8000
-lookuprange 5
-sb 80
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@Omar Jarjur %8OJy1fggXVhk6+0rycazDuHLo59U31Cr4cXs5mcBGQM=.sha256
Voted ## Speech to text on Linux I got tired of wrist pain and hand pain when ty
@Omar Jarjur %so9sDhizEMidkDpFDbekOeeeTzveVtQteK9GnPNSLXM=.sha256

Thanks for sharing, that looks awesome!

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@andrestaltz %hoOIObikvny982D1ne62L4EOTPfSrjl5TG2kdDkTZvU=.sha256

First, were you able to get it to send the text to another application?

Nope, I have to copy it from the terminal and paste elsewhere. I'm hoping that with more bash magic I could make the program run in a finite fashion and pipe it to the clipboard.

Second, did it work a second time?

... yes? It works every time I run it

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@andrestaltz %HbWfUmbZJRnl0YMUOOOQAh+wMMJQdoXNFJmJ1OlzUFM=.sha256

@keks Do you happen to know how to automatically kill a task once it outputs something (or outputs >= N bytes)?

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