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@kieran %J5w8+TMd1bk2F4Xh34EFS6nKbvVTzUbUkQmEWabtmtU=.sha256
Re: %M6igs/cQA

@peg and I have been chipping away at integrating #dark-crystal into #patchwork. This far, we've got backup, recovery and a shards view completed. When you visit your settings page, you now see a new area...


You've got 3 options:

  1. Backup your identity with your peers
  2. Recovery an identity
  3. View the shards you hold, as a custodian

Backup New


Once you've successfully backed up, the view will re-render, showing you your backup details:

Backup Show


If you're trying to recover an old identity and remember who the custodians are, you can contact them and send them a request...

Recovery New


Once you've requested them, a state machine will show you how its coming along... once you've recovered the ssb identity in question, you are given the option to restart Patchwork and resync, either deleting the existing identity (the one you're using), or backing it up.

Recovery Show


You'll need to view requests and send them back to people as a custodian, to help people recovery their identities. Here you can see all the requests you've received for a shard, and respond to them, forwarding the shard to the correct identity.

Shards Index


We've made it challenging for people to send, to make sure folk check that they're doing what they're supposed to be doing! :smiley:


There's still a bit more development to do. We want to automate the process of rebuilding an identity after you've recovered, which will require a bit of back-end wrangling with electron.

We hope it will be merged, but considering Patchwork is in a state of flux, its future is unclear. But considering the views are approaching 'complete', I thought it was time to show it off a bit. :smile:

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