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@SoapDog %JFdN4wUJ3sGIlZK8LT3VQbYxd9tj6sOBtPcWEAZAQ3Q=.sha256
Re: %0kO3x7vJI

@kieran one of the joys of using non-windows and non-apple stuff is that you have choices, including the choice of breaking it up :sweat_smile:

Keep us posted on your nix journey. Some people wander around until they find a distro that they love. Others don't really care about distros are are more into their wm/desktops. What excites you about nix?

My excitement about these type of machines is around the idea of setting the machine as you like it. As time passes and you tweak more and more the installation to suit you, you end up not with Devuan or Mint but with a bespoke machine that behaves as you want it to.

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