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@ओषधिः %NUOhZpOHCSBKj9UXYahGgkaGrAJz+n49L1jloePsYs4=.sha256

met someone who wasn't a programmer, but who deletes all the messages they send on all apps, after a couple weeks, so as to leave no trace and not waste energy by leaving their waste around filling data centers for perpetuity

@ओषधिः %FYQkEYSw43FBBaP+kmrpZYWBo1CtmzppzanYCVgrOX4=.sha256

I'm not sure which apps actually really delete your data, and which just claim to, or what the energy impact would be exactly,

but I thought this was a beautiful sentiment and way to move through the world

@Linda4 %IlVJBDQiqEM7JhyJg96HjJ7eq9Sk2LsUJ1msZYEkHHM=.sha256


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