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@mmckegg %3IQjlJl2rydD6JsY10iGpuyGz1EFBaSjgWA+vrMv4r8=.sha256


What version of Patchwork?

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@mmckegg %Fms0lLry0rNT17jgO/VY5y2RbAVTzl5mjZeTj0HODqg=.sha256

@nanomonkey The current release of patchwork 3.11.x isn't very friendly with scuttlebot@13

There's some info about how to fix it if you hit problems here: %cPyWHus...

The current master version of patchwork (which will be 3.12.0 when I finally release it), is much better.

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@mmckegg %QkjYsMWzsCOQ2UZoaHZqAauutOTpgJxl5s4roqNBmTw=.sha256

Nah, if you are already running sbot ssb-server, probably better to install patchwork from source and run via npm.

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