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@cel %nnWvFSSQ6fw16QwIVjnnNaS3E5doYUhOWKxKtSlngz4=.sha256

SSB Maintenance Dev Diary - cel

@mixmix invited me to do some paid work with the SSB Maintenance Open Collective fiscally hosted by Protozoa Coop [%YaXcrzj...]. He suggested working on documentation in particular.

I would like to use this thread as a dev diary for my work in this area.

I will take input on what I should document or work on - in this thread or separately.

I am considering maintenance work as mainly that which just keeps existing things running, rather than developing new features and applications. So the scope includes:

  • fixing bugs and security issues
  • fixing breakage caused by changes in the SSB stack or network conditions
  • writing or improving documentation
  • performing updates and releases
  • keeping public servers online, e.g. and *

Most of my code contributions to SSB are applications built on ssb-server/ssb-client. I will focus on maintaining those, as I am primarily responsible for them. I am also willing to help maintain other SSB things.

@cel %MnXJKwsaWjqvq5R3xW2zMBmmB1fbFdlnk8PPxWt7COY=.sha256

2019-08-16 Mitigated a ssb-server connection issue, for ssb-npm and sbotc [%csntvhX...]. 4hrs

2019-08-19 Invoiced for the above. 1hr

2019-08-21 Started publishing dev diary [%nnWvFSS...]. 1hr

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@mix %ea7w7x8q2DUERPXVXzmiWU8t/7wIHNzERAPgTtbmiG8=.sha256
Voted ## SSB Maintenance Dev Diary - cel @mixmix invited me to do some paid work
@mix %5OeBuBDvmDiulICBp7EHkAmDP3M0q9+lAPmO1/j+bjI=.sha256

@cel you're awesome <3

@cel %N6O8uGn23Ora4VoDYZKx9uW3qZ2B6iaVBNG73c9sECg=.sha256

Thanks @mixmix :)

@Anders %HaJR59YLVhQh++jMhrZb94OhjNO3R0Z86V8uJXPZ1p0=.sha256
Voted ## SSB Maintenance Dev Diary - cel @mixmix invited me to do some paid work
@cel %Jq9cD4kCpN7vcsRfCqgbOJQ7m/yVcDuFCOjLqIf7uXU=.sha256

2019-08-22 I started going through git-ssb issues and addressing some of them. 3hrs

@cel %pDkoqLbdonccFAQzugT22ni4IMGkruwSMflvVrPCg34=.sha256

2019-08-24, 2019-08-25 git-ssb-web maintenance. 3hrs

@cel %I7+3ed0Zsgkat4AuJHFoDMQZrghwRxYvqQyrowXtyhQ=.sha256

2019-08-26 Invoiced

2019-08-27 ssb-npm, git-ssb: responding to issues, debugging. 1hr

2019-08-28 maintenance of git-ssb and various modules. 1hr

@cel %zOKwrJim90RPOpzr6j9832BjKGl/3Ok3gf8oPUKkkpg=.sha256

I lost some momentum on this lately, through travelling and stuff. I would like to do more maintenance work and could use some feedback on how to proceed. Thread: %UTC4QRp...

@mix %YX8F7NggBtvQqRSgqImLdMUsVS9U4RMf1SLpGRW2Nzc=.sha256
Voted I lost some momentum on this lately, through travelling and stuff. I would
@cel %w34y1Pdrwqp6eZ3XdHsJf02Z1zdEqH9KdLnHS9+Oh5Q=.sha256

Resuming regular programming. I acknowledge the feedback in %UTC4QRp... about making git-ssb/ssb-npm/patchfoo easy to install. That will take some design work and I am not yet settled on how to do it. I have also been working on a new project, not yet announced.


2019-11-05, 2019-11-06 Wiki editing. 1 hour. %N6Be9B4... %AYWdyBA...
2019-11-08 ssb-npm testing. ½ hour. %WvMpkox...
2019-11-10 Invoiced
2019-11-14 Activity graph static rewrite. 4 hours. %8h3q1NO...
2019-11-15 Activity graph colorization. 1 hour. %oFONYF7...

@cel %9OaT9DW1Nw3gtwe4SpdCaC4fuVTPDVr4d4BRUgzF5K0=.sha256

2019-11-17 Activity graph partial interactivity. 1.7 hours.
2019-11-18 Activity graph interactivity. 3.3 hours. %jaXF+XB.... Invoiced

@cel %WLndDtZ6cscMSrBbl7ZvNZWjQtGLxpMeM7UXpW427mg=.sha256

For SSBC rather than Maintenance:

2019-11-18 Drafted session submission for LibrePlanet 2020. 1¼ hours. %7m3HAIT...
2019-11-19 Further drafting LibrePlanet submission and session outline. 2½ hours. %IH0pVq1...

@cel %5qm09m85N85BaigoGOBAwTtHEMEy5FbXQhJ+iATtgLA=.sha256

Maintenance: ssb-npm design and debugging. 1¾ hours. %j+H0xnN... %FexWpM9...
SSBC: Completed Libreplanet session submission. ¼ hour. %uOekTnv...

@cel %vjWbOCf8CzTrwOCy01G8cU3mp3diu7DoiyXev7o+tlQ=.sha256

Not billed:
2019-11-21, 2019-11-22
Implemented SSB-Wikimedia bridge. %Hv2kznL...

@cel %Y6teJ+MKZkouJ7Jrny7lESNOimcJMLiLCgTJyFl12Tw=.sha256

SSBC: Invoiced

@cel %SD7CziXaVOHZOC5Ju/NFDkoJ5dLYJBqDxVlaoa3eHuY=.sha256

2019-11-29 ssb-npm maintenance. 3 hours. %fbkx5pY...

@cel %IIGUJPSIuAr6kMsGW+J43G88UQycHTqVtcibhHkhqD8=.sha256

installers/permissions design draft. ¾ hours.

ssb-npm maintenance. ¾ hours. %bNM85ef... %B9s0pl1...
installers/permissions design published. 1½ hours. %07VekPq...

@cel %AxejKB2TmDQ2X2/iXC9c2RJ6mRwxvqgnuzbqJS5BoqY=.sha256


@cel %XKvNo164XJ1rli69XOv8mrn/aZjTvSbv9gqVCjxcYVM=.sha256

2019-12-16 git-ssb installation script. 1¾ hours. %uVdBiIE...

@cel %notDaJUpEjkgtPGSJ6Z05AjLQCbk4J06e1Zcuc7RbQk=.sha256

2019-12-20 maintenance. 4½ hours.

Fixed broken links and updated stale content. Added redirects for migrated pages and modules. Incorporated changes made in gh-pages to files generated using ssbc-sitegen.

Previously: %8bm2BEZ... %2UMi2xv... %tEHog9/...

@Anders %D6l/Sfbhkp7qZ5MhlhZ+sNIZ5/CVNmA33iATFXiA4Vg=.sha256
Voted **2019-12-20** maintenance. 4½ hours. Fixed broken links an
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@cel %+0i5iWkX4vSWEt+YmH/3w2MzHdMUVQVip0yFHHH0TZc=.sha256

Invoiced %bihRPbp...

@cel %Ef8XYleL+ZHKUHyfa17Tw3O3q1S8cCVjk2pVV4INYV0=.sha256

Preparing git-ssb pkg packaging, for binary releases.
2019-12-29 4 hours. %ZRgr/d+...
2019-12-30 3 hours. %vA9yADj...

@cel %4r2J3Bg88iTG9YWGIP6XHPVDdyxBdo4lAh/GYLOiknc=.sha256

Invoiced %TTSGhv0...

@cel %IqmWR2VlOSmFFcXtdFDvidUcoMj/KZ3IAXRkLKULE3s=.sha256

2020-01-03 Continued git-ssb packaging. 4¼ hours.

pkg'd binaries for git-ssb are ready. Next is to make a shell script to pick the appropriate one and install it.

Also, I found and fixed a bug in ssb-npm-registry which has been causing ssb-npm installations to fail.

Packages updated:

package version git push npm publish
git-ssb v2.7.0 %iGLW9vp... %t49Ke9v...
git-ssb-web v2.11.8 %52R98C9... %ooBoL/A...
ssb-npm-registry v2.1.1 %0ykN1Zp... %z6b2aZ9...
@cel %6oppW9j2AgVcWMOrY/UoQSsLirFbzDr7oEOmaGn1JfE=.sha256

git-ssb binary release:
2020-01-04 Testing. %4PcwHhP... %yjDEOXc… 2¾ hours.
2020-01-06 License and copyright detection, report [%LL6rKfi...], and updates [%E+BWdBw... %aS4ryli... %GnzXAR2... %CjFcW//... %Rea/QD4... %QweVxHE... %HfuRAo7... %oeTZ9rY...]. Release [%9/2M5lU...]. 5 hours.
2020-01-07 IPFS mirror [%36dNnze...]. Alternative installer [%rlz3gdn...]. ½ hour.

@cel %WX9AP5eWc/rK4Hnfow91qdRm7+ONS7TyLb/cQxFLNc8=.sha256

For SSBC-OC (non-maintenance):

LibrePlanet session preparation. 15 hours. %2ZCvorg... %ypHLMuR...

2020-02-24 ¾h
2020-02-25 1⅔h
2020-02-26 1⅓h
2020-02-28 1h
2020-03-02 ¾h
2020-03-03 6h
2020-03-04 3½h

@cel %OzkYYAaVlnpj/EHjmoFTdCbS0BW9WMVEMhgtuILHlVs=.sha256

LP2020 slides submission. 8 hours. %73twWq+...
2020-03-05 2⅔h
2020-03-06 5⅓h

@cel %4ax4+u0qJU5fzsrzds0EydWvaZEbL+q57p/1d2v4ORI=.sha256

LP2020 presentation completed. 1¾ hours.
2020-03-09 Updated slides. ¼h. %caTR+U/...
2020-03-12 Practiced talk. ¾h
2020-03-15 Delivered talk. ¾h. %GuD07rh...

@cel %NC0rdJ792Xh6MInTkEcdnSRYnYhpS/CG6LwTkaio5Vw=.sha256

2020-03-29 Invoiced SSBC %rpWR2ZH...

@cel %U0tRtlDTd1z6ee3ssGrPQvQu0Js83fv79SkumjyqKJc=.sha256

2020-05-15 Maintenance: released git-ssb v2.8.0. 5 hours. %bvibiX3...

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@cel-desktop %wzBopH0lOpmEOwe402XdzqMdvlk309wJrAvlUcgMxCM=.sha256

2020-06-11 Added source footer to ssb-viewer. 1 hour. %sVBrUe0...

@cel-desktop %LZd43kAVaZA5ip3DZ8IGJIK5cy24DDtqBBif1aD9PAU=.sha256

2020-07-11 Debugged RangeError in aligned-block-file. 1 hour. %m4NgGGF...

@cel-desktop %kaWGH0/Ce99QdlzBf/gyNFXfnni6ceMBw8gzcqNg7y4=.sha256

2020-07-05 Drafting security notice. 1 hour.
2020-08-12 Published security notice. 1 hour. %KjTMSIY...
2020-08-17 Testing permission issue. 1 hour. %B1cuRQb...

@cel-desktop %WtCSiUJxc6CLucEyGtP18PRaYn5k7VE/O4TSW3LQGhY=.sha256

2020-08-20 Updated chloride module. 1 hour. %omttl96...

  • Assisted migration of repo to SSBC organization
  • Merged outstanding PRs and published minor version
@cel-desktop %tNECooRZ8saYNBez00TP6JnNnrXMdF0Wowwijed9mkc=.sha256

2020-10-06 Fixed crash in ssb-links module, and published advisory about it (2020-10-09). 1 hour. %5JJIwku...

@cel-desktop %H2MbvZnf58thfMvdLSlH2PhnFGl4A5Sz4Ax263s8B64=.sha256

2020-11-05 Added JS plugins to ¾ hour.

@cel-desktop %IMoESdCU45QObaa0Wk+qV7k++z+1Hqx8wcVefeN3BJE=.sha256

2020-12-15 Invoiced

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