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@Soapy mcSoap %oX8eer0oBTS3HhC0iws5EXSuBI6g7oYUfVu/gap0nJc=.sha256

so, here is a posh #showmeyourcoffee photo


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@~daan 📟 %uavRvpVim99wTPISWwJx0skwePTy+raFbuI74i9HqJ8=.sha256

This looks so cool! Did you get hired for some coffee shop commercial or why is this so good? 😁

@Soapy mcSoap %nSPugDUAQuCtV38WwTM9DR7uDVQCyS1RTUQCDMJPyTQ=.sha256

@~daan 📟

The coffee shop hired a photographer to take some photos of the shop and I happened to be there (I go there every morning) so I appeared on some shots <3 They all went on my dating profiles xD

@Matt Lorentz (phone) %TBoQxqY3oDAmVT/mA9BOOeoFnAQZrnmFsM05vuSPTyM=.sha256

Wow, looking fierce.

@Daan Patchwork %RVAciSsi9FKxV+/KEBC1TZL3UNVf6pnxs5lJWsORGYU=.sha256

Lol man, I was actually pretty close! I guess going to that coffee shop then basically paid for itself, what with the professional dating profile pics you got out of it. 😀

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@Soapy mcSoap %mM/DX4HfcTOjuTOpOD0DPmfa6pZrhRgBegUrUIyyH6Q=.sha256

unfortunately my hair faded fast and doesn't look like that anymore. Will go back to bright blue next week <3

Thanks a ton for the kind words, friends, I really needed it.

Here is a more current look:


@mikey %XFMmv7F1UexhJPxzGMtbaPK5HOyaU2k8JYHEmxqVcbE=.sha256

soapy looking foxy 🦊

@Soapy mcSoap %mdUpiTAvcWLGWD4uNhoSuM1XVb8wtnwVDtosfn8YNQ4=.sha256

@dinoworm 🐛 teehee :3 thanks! Next week I'll evolve like a pokemon and go back to blue hair and a new tattoo <3

@zoo [planetary] %1xYfwwqCiRLHmEdF1Zoa/x2YMlzJ9ylwVb7C+B1Rs/g=.sha256
Voted so, here is a posh #showmeyourcoffee photo ![2F5ECF0F-A86B-4F28-B4B6-92A88
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