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@Linda4 %wOZdLoSb83/Xc8TXA8lveCCCyomfZ8iwomjZniokY78=.sha256

Last night we went to see Meute in concert. They are a German Techno Marching Band with 11 drummers and horn players making amazing music to dance to.

Sharing in case anyone needs inspiration for thinking outside the box or simply some good dance music!

@Rabble %VUgH0ScNSwjREdw2rky7vCKANRkrs5z4jCx6RD8eALs=.sha256

Links or pictures please.

@Linda4 %X8peJ5yLe6vVeQmSGzWbBjK7ZST9qQMQ9lQScorUddU=.sha256

I am not one to take photos at shows but this is a still from a video my husband captured. Band website

planetary attachment no.1

@Matt Lorentz (phone) %qEufzu37LVziwZtM/ZjTncdwOA018ov32Jkoe59aRN8=.sha256

Techno Marching Band

Wow I have never heard of such a thing. I will be giving this a listen today!

@Rabble %GVeUhLE6OUDTPr33dTElcM5PZoz0zA0yUpKgGAqWSC4=.sha256

They’re awesome. So Berlin. Thanks for sharing.

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