similar to what @Dominic said in %n6h40Jw..., i made the most of New Zealand's cold yet COVID-free summer with ~5 festivals. luckily had space in between to recover my social energy (while doing manic binges to prepare projects and camps), now i'm done doing anything for a while. 😺
here's a slice of some moments,
on the eve of a new year:
a small Camp Devita for Ignition, not even Devita was able to come:
(for history on my #kiwiburn theme camp, Camp Devita, formerly Camp Desmond, see %5jHaTgc... and %RvIFdiG...)
"the boof", the paddock's most exclusive solar-powered club, #madewithgridkit, with a DJ you might recognize:
packing up for Kiwiburn, my cat Charlie is sad to see me leave again:
our goddess Devita has been transformed into a cyborg, also glam af:
our shrine, thanks to our priestesses @Zach! and @Angelica
DJ Tui 2Times giving us the nightcore day rave:
if you're going to do a prank, you might want to make an offering to the Patron Saint of Pranks:
my LED tensegrity project, as usual spent way more time than expected to make:
night time lights and bass powered by the sun:
the sky gallery: (credit: Solar Sails)
a complete (yet temporary) kitchen #madewithgridkit (credit: Solar Sails)
the lazy tortoise, the paddock's slowest art car, #madewithgridkit : (credit: Solar Sails)
because Solar Sails even brings their shit home, #madewithgridkit
my partner @Rhona and i:
💜 🌻 🌱 ☀️ 🌈