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@Dominic %a46cjzvJ5h9Em3jdrhN/uHUFoiBD2WC3dJdaMVwz5Io=.sha256

okay I got flume in the browser to load all the messages in 5 minutes (still a bit slow, but not too bad) including indexes for message keys.

Next, I need an index for backlinks, and I think that should give us all we need for a minimal full peer in the browser.

@Dominic %AI+UXn0MEX3WVcTUvDjmhyGn/8Ye0ucm0Z5+zhgIBrU=.sha256

I was working on this yesterday, and I realized that the backlink index wasn't actually so big that I couldn't do it with an in memory index (via %flumeview-reduce )

I have ideas to make such views more memory efficient, but that can come later. We'll have to change how name/friend lookups work, and backlink lookups will also work differently.

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