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@Cory ~😎 %ze7atZ93dkr8kzC+Dct+vjADV08NY117XZNvRbJL6G0=.sha256

When it gets even a little quiet here, I worry I've broken replication.

@Soapy mcSoap %cBZYQew9qziCphxslJgqEAk7qSLMu2IY29BnPXMeY+Q=.sha256

me too, then I just go to some craft while the app is open and by the time I finished and cleaned up, lo and behold new messages have arrived.

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@Cory ~😎 %oTW/O/s7KLG3ATQrY02znuj+7nS6/J84ccufiCK04NI=.sha256

@Just Simmonds For what it's worth, is effectively both a room and a pub, except that it doesn't follow you back. But I do.

@Cory ~😎 %eEbJalfy++0RfrBIAPFf37NYbCXuMRvvZJk+b+WZ5Rw=.sha256

Other ideas:

  • I stop changing it.
  • Post more.
  • More people who post the same amount
  • I stop worrying so much.
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@Cory ~😎 %3Il1QvT2XFtlR6cZ/5rYuXJea+3Ums8QYNvMG4mzOhU=.sha256

I can't find a good reference, but that thing that happens when a noisy room spontaneously gets silent for a moment feels related:

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