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Feed of @Marcus Twichel
@Marcus Twichel %Bnkht61ORJ3usFWzmE3sX8y1gpykkwYDoZRhTSTLoVE=.sha256
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@Marcus Twichel %iQU09O6Uf1V6TFPpnske5Nvt1Ny2kk0TYjfCDP0RrL4=.sha256
Followed @Henning Jacobs (Manyverse)
@Marcus Twichel %wry+bWcPEg2Ar737/N91FxROWotGvdORQqmHp/SxOGE=.sha256
Followed @Planetary System Pub 2
@Marcus Twichel %fqbvxShuaUa4egOgyZx5wy1jpQI/rpTBbVxz3IJCw6c=.sha256
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@Marcus Twichel %HZyNFBRcH4fP1e/O09WYnRFkSZoQyJ/WwE8sKV/kl8I=.sha256
Followed @leolaporte
@Marcus Twichel %SAMJJjma1OlP0Eu4ISYyv5bqK2znx5x5LFsmE9biGAc=.sha256
Re: %9vbkixC02

I found Planetary and Scuttlebutt listening to this episode! It was very inspiring and full of hope for a better internet ❤️

@Marcus Twichel %cHvtcVIR3LRTOZyU22zL6MOoAyZ3qOGKpJi0BKfrpLc=.sha256
Voted The release of [Elon Musk's text messages](
@Marcus Twichel %SpKz+jhyr3vLD/R+Oofona8tobofdtEc0NCh203Y1ms=.sha256
Voted ### Decentralized vs Peer to Peer? A discussion has come up on the [@Plane
@Marcus Twichel %eV6WJbWerVNXycWSof3wP+W3ZcwHq0igE+xIgotyBLE=.sha256
Followed @FLOSS Pub
@Marcus Twichel %OcZKedYasFAIWrBIkmKGs5JVdk0h137rg4j64lMA3zI=.sha256
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