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Feed of @mix.exe

mixmix's windows machine !

@mix.exe %OALFP3Hoilk3Gxpiyk6GlM8sQaSTLrWjREIN9BH2D0k=.sha256
Re: %d7s1bSVho

YUSS - they are the harbingers of summer. I got excited when I saw some red flower petals on the dive today, then realized it wasn't pohutakawa, it was the neighbours bottle-brush tree. Which is excellent, and feeds Tui, but is also australian :eyes:

@mix.exe %VJNGyU4Jr4ODADz14epjsTswMZYxJxv9Eev/DVsVCa4=.sha256
Voted I started with the tools thread, and actually googled "oilstone mango chutn
@mix.exe %7WijvE36izbZAlJjJChQMnYY9CqcSO6SsJGEWDBtCQo=.sha256
Re: %vBFJotrKf

This is beautiful

@mix.exe %xh7qRApOwD5u9NVvcQaqq1HQRIQkGY4GwnG4CM6zja4=.sha256
Voted ![DSCF2962.JPG](&rQiF8uuYH0Vfz13bn6km1c+Wij1+T4EnGjQI+30u8zw=.sha256) The
@mix.exe %hymYIrdNYHQvfMv+gAKQGDJ9GOo+ZSwfdirV2TsYofE=.sha256
Voted PS: while it's called an actually works best with mango c
@mix.exe %x1SdrwhUVz/FxEt+HHaRm31WUSEdA/0DtIdvzfWnewk=.sha256
Re: %Eg4m6OvUa

very good huh

@mix.exe %S7Xj2TfbQ/hTtE4dkXC48Vk8o9prFxaccuKyAatEsQg=.sha256
Voted ![image:i_voted_sticker.webp](&T4jUIHS3LM4jkerxveZ+Y+MkMwYlO0jHLVlTu3a9KAY=
@mix.exe %OHFYsFqBGd0P2yi4FXug/alA3CYZM/CuaX94E/ZKfIE=.sha256
Voted # I Have Delivered Value... But At What Cost?
@mix.exe %/6hMSjK+HFzX51nv4woSfxSsw+pPAb+5VO2Xrzv1e2M=.sha256

Love it. FWDD to a friend who's a scrum master

@mix.exe %Heo1rE0C9TGiXxpwng41JRYIDcHzlqTWQb37BgP63so=.sha256


@zach and I ended up a little off-piste and found ourselves playing with


  • share shell access from one computer to another
  • no ip addresses
  • no port forwarding setup

It's kinda trippy. It all works on ed25519 keys and DHT to get going. You have to record public keys of trusted peers in a file for them to be allowed access. It also has other modes where you can allow only certain functions:

  • shell - shell access
  • upload/ download - file movement
  • tunnel - set up a tunnel for certain ports. you can use this to e.g. share a dev-server running on port 3000 to some distant location

The lack of config/ setup is truly magical. Zach and I used this with tmux and we were away coding in the terminal in no time. In contrast to other services like Tmate, or whaterver where you have to trust a 3rd party server, or set your own up it's rad.
Definitely gonna be using the to do pair coding with Ben (from Ahau) who is travelling South America and doesn't always have good enough video connection to screenshare.

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