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Feed of @VictorBjelkholm (lasoa)

Software hacker but mainly just a person with thoughts and feelings.

Trying to find a intermediate way of running public, open source services for the common good with public funding, see

Interests: gardening, farming, music, video games, computer graphics, thinking, programming, writing, diving, flying


@VictorBjelkholm (lasoa) %mSwGzChm/Ken2p6PTuhWa+j0o5IeOtTym2nt+px5yPA=.sha256
Voted ## taught #teamgeorgia to swim yesterday It was a little scratchy ![IMG_5
@VictorBjelkholm (lasoa) %MHjhqQBQSGdYMIlzIV/8t62tm8So25oHkvoQKYEJBBc=.sha256
Followed @Santiago
@VictorBjelkholm (lasoa) %ps4TtsBM1GaRltUfrvkfUB0L7Kj9Qqo/0ICaZXoQjNk=.sha256
Voted ## this may be my first #showmeyourcoffee ![showMeYourCoffee.jpg](&TYKHsX
@VictorBjelkholm (lasoa) %Q4zpU+eHIVonFuIluxPb+ZT8rXkFajzfJZkMxfnQf+s=.sha256
Voted Welcome to the #showmeyourcoffee club.
@VictorBjelkholm (lasoa) %GafC36P+CGBGPgSSciQshC9vcEBcME2AUQrEP5WgY1o=.sha256

Calling p2p/local-first hackers in #barcelona and nearby areas!

Thinking about organizing a local-first and p2p monthly meetup in Barcelona.

Would be great to meet up with more people, ssb will surely be one of the topics :)

@VictorBjelkholm (lasoa) %vcU0YE5DlLjtBDtSynpWmB079ju/doHtTF5dFL9FXSs=.sha256
Followed @mikey
@VictorBjelkholm (lasoa) %GMJmBs2PKxcaifUkV79k+1CpRku5L36kC56LuHnzTeE=.sha256
Followed @ओषधिः
@VictorBjelkholm (lasoa) %yIbJZje6YBkSiEMTWDCOcof5gW1YTktZqFZRZFNK5Y4=.sha256
Followed @Alex
@VictorBjelkholm (lasoa) %o1RxQBHcaVH5xw73tag2ZmhvemTexZYaRHGmEMKIbWQ=.sha256
Followed @nichoth
@VictorBjelkholm (lasoa) %Z+sqUr4NBA/cHYbcYmJdirSMlKBSOIkLA7oP6DZPak8=.sha256
Followed @Nico

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