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@Dominic %+mZHdC7rdDZzWiNf3ignSAUnEjzDMt9I2QOBb20WSK8=.sha256
Re: %EcGxhkiZO

@gb please don't argue with the adjudicator after they've made their decision. It's seriously quite emotionally exausting to be the adjudicator. There are also many people who have been told no and later yes. A big part of collaboration skills is how you respond to "no" - can you find a way to turn it into a yes? just arguing isn't a good way to do that, because it will tend to make it into an ego thing, and the person you are arguing with will just push back too. You should listen to @ev's advice, his collaboration skills have improved significantly over the past year.

please, just chill out till next month, and reapply.

I understand that andre decided to agree to being adjudicator, so the political stress is somewhat directed at him. But, in the end the person deciding these grants has always been dominic.

I must disagree. There have been months where I never even looked at the grants (kinda exausted from my time as adjudicator). Technically, I would have the ability to veto a grant, but I've never done that.

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