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@Dominic %/yQu9ORvWm1FiSRUq7+atLAj8BVpz3ePKuHJxCIj1ZM=.sha256
Re: %QRrL2wc9o

I think it's also worth noting that in our current community, we've had conflicts between people with different ways of thinking, without a troll in sight. For example, the greenhouse gender essentialism thread more recently, the OP of that thread asked for a way to self-tag a thread as possibly offensive which I interpret as a earnest acknowledgement of the presense of other's who felt and thought differently to him.

We also have people who want to live inside a well defined boundry, and other's who want to influence people and converse with people who have different thoughts.

I think sophisticated moderation and curation tools will be very interesting on ssb. That said, I think we should start very simply:

have a way to follow someone else's blocks. so if A follows B's blocks, if B blocks something, A acts like they blocked them too. So, you could set your pub to follow your blocks, or your friends. You could also create a space by following each other's blocks, and if one friend blocks, they are blocked by the others too.

This gets even better if we have private groups, but I think it would be simple to implement - a good next step.

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