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@Dominic %1Nfue5Kfz8EdHc56SZ5cMwjjnUiMXfR+l0U2CCA2kyc=.sha256
Re: %WU3gGJ0sU


I think emotional contagion effects should be optional, allowing reactions to public posts to be private.

we could do this! you could encrypt your acknowledgement so only the author of that message knew you felt that.

It's really interesting to see the diversity of opinions on this simple thing, ranging from removing it all together as @Lenny Abramov
and @serapath to using it sincerely, as I feel @Zach! expresses:

I appreciate seeing likes simply because I know that my post was read by other people.

Personally, I'm with Zach here. I often use the button just to let someone know I have read it. It's similar to nodding when someone talks. I also use them in private messages when I don't need to add any more content, but want them to know I did read it. It's funny, because now that pw is my primary means of communication, I feel my self wanting a "nod" button in other places, like twitter DMs or emails.

I can also symphasize with the toxic-like-syndrome. I disabled them on twitter (by switching to tweetdeck, where they can be disabled) but I don't feel this way about patchwork. It would be easy to disable likes, for filter likes so you only see from people you directly follow.

There is obviously a wide range of ways people want to express themselves.
It there a common ground?

You don't have to use the button, but a significant proportion of the total ssb messages created are created with this button. (trying to avoid using the word ;)

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