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@mmckegg %1n6+IrEwbELmjmNkLGpQ5FpXu/9ViJkHqvDNqFJ4EoM=.sha256
Re: %DxQpzCl/x


Did a bunch of random (but important) things on Patchwork today.

Merged a few patchwork pull requests. The main one was from @robbie who added a font-size option into the settings page!

I added a setting to filter out posts to channels you don't follow from your main feed. This means that if you are a non-dev person who follows dev people, you no longer have to see their boring posts about #patchwork-dev! The post will still appear if it has a tag you follow, mentions you, or someone replies with a tag you follow. cc @Captain Awesomepants

Updated settings to have proper default values. Now if you haven't selected a language, it will try to use your system default (or falls back to english, or a language in the same root).

Fixed "hide following messages" that's been broken since 3.8

Updated ssb-backlinks, patchcore and patchwork to handle asserted timestamps from the future a little bit better.

Hopefully get some more done on sameAs tomorrow! And since it is easy for me to build for all platforms now, I went and released 3.8.4. Still pre-release though, so it's not really notification spam!

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