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@Dominic %2XD4hekD4cEr6/HwUbgSiW9JxwiRwkfjOEkDKfM/1/A=.sha256
Re: %YshVpy9UQ

@matt I really appreciate what you wrote in response to @johnny. I never really knew for sure how you felt about ssb, so it was great to read you spell it out. I can totally relate to how stressful it is to maintain patchwork - I started to feel like that when I was maintaining patchbay, and only a handful of people were using it!

I think you are acting in good faith by changing your proposal. patchwork is essential to ssb. And remember, one of the goals in grants process is no one burning out. Maybe we should divert some (say, half) of the remaining grant funds to be maintainance funds? I would especially be in favor of the idea of having other people help, so that knowledge of patchwork internals is shared.

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