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@ev %M0hQu+KhvygmiBAGDOoTkyuEbfcMLtkhvK7x1LYAfaE=.sha256


  • 8008 is the port scuttlebot uses to gossip
  • 8989 is the port ssb-ws uses for websockets. it also hosts blobs from there.
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@ev %0Ew47BXZvrrL+t4n43ObzNZSIPftUM/amzuAt7TM/3w=.sha256

@maymay Are you using Patchwork-classic, the one @paul built from way back? I think that has port 7777, if I remember. That's a webserver. I'm not sure many people are using that anymore.

I've been finding myself recommending %patchfoo as a good starter client.

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