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@Hendrik Peter %3G6AmAWddDWeasccvYjo12vrg+fEmE3uqDAW1QVbAkc=.sha256
Re: %u3t+NhQkz

aha! lemme log in to mine and take a peak at the pub config file (within docker) ;)

  "connections": {
    "incoming": {
      "net": [
          "scope": "public",
          "host": "",
          "external": [""],
          "transform": "shs",
          "port": 8008
    "outgoing": {
      "net": [
          "transform": "shs"
  "friends": {
    "hops": 2

Seems to be my config, so that's all nice and dandy, no weird extra plugins used in the .ssb/node_modules folder.

What you can do... is to download docker on your local machine, then pull down follow the instructions on getting the image on your computer, then walk around in the image and see what it's doing (docker exec -it sbot bash after starting docker with ./create-sbot)

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