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@cel-desktop %3RWdXwIazApqKvvRNhNyL2Ro1GN0sLL+gW9K24HyZK8=.sha256
Re: %t9mmAG45Q

@farewellutopia I'm running Sorry about the problem. I am looking into why repos are appearing empty.

You can get started by using either the binary installer as mentioned, or ssb-npm. I copy from the current git-ssb readme:



  • ssb-server (can be one bundled in e.g. Patchwork, Oasis)
  • Connection to the SSB network


Install git-ssb v2.8.0 binary for linux-{x64,armv7,arm64,x86} or macos-x64:

curl -s 'http://localhost:8989/blobs/get/&v8gjQ2rEIwp8pTd3/I2Vw2qJHQVCK4Wpch6nmHMIzQA=.sha256' | sh

Licenses for git-ssb v2.8.0 binary release

git-ssb can also be installed via ssb-npm:

ssb-npm install -g git-ssb --branch %xlfr8klBuPNiHSXQ5uq2HkrIWudCz9Zzs9jiBoJBz3s=.sha256
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