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Little Ego ( #lego )


Source A Lego Dream City, built from about 100,000 pieces, draws a crowd in Tokyo.

Sometimes it is useful to deploy individualistic ego in service of a wider commons and purpose.

Sometimes it is a fun practice to let the ego shine, just a little.

Introducing L-EGO : little-ego

or, lego.

Making short useful blurbs about yourself to be used by grant writers or writers when writing about or for SSB.

When putting together #grants it can be useful to have lego figures of richer social humans which can be composed and recomposed. Creating legos saves grant writers drawing on their existing pool of people and saves time reaching out and finding new folx. This can also perhaps be seen as a decentering practice that allows different legos to be mix and matched in different scenes depending on the needs. This will spread the manna from few to many (it can be seductive / easy to resuse the same high profile people time and again).

Thread Invitation

Please use this thread for discussing this FORM and fork the thread to create your own little ego (lego)

Fork to Create Your lego

Find simple ways of describing yourself in a sentence or two from different perspectives. Perhaps do this when you see a grant and you think "I have heaps of experience in that area" or "I am publicly well known for expertise in that area".

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