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@ev %46PPPrCu7KnbNi1hIknRWpb+zO8Bz+4ermkDoQ5PP9k=.sha256
Re: %+Gmu00ISD

@keks Perhaps one of the issues here is when you opt-out of email completely, it ends up being an ultimatum for other people who use different services. While I don't use iFaceboozlezon Messenger (I haven't had a Faceboozle account since 2010), many other people use Faceboozle as their primary communication platform.

By maintaining my email, I make it possible to interface with those folks -- if I opted out of email, I'm forcing those people to use sbot. While this network is growing, it's still mostly early adopters with a high level of technical expertise.

@btrask I used Bitmessage too a few years ago. I think it was a good first stab at 100% private encrypted messages. I even got a few people to use it with me too. Then, as far as I could tell, the project failed. That's another risk with switching off email -- what if we look back in three years and sbot ends up being a failed project?

@gb How are you feeling about your email this morning?

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