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@Alexandre Oliva %4nx4K4+xD5jvkcpCPdo8xdgk8j0IE8iX8e9KaGARBKY=.sha256

At the FSF office, preparing to go out to Pearson to protest for education, and against books that spy on students and disappear

@beroal %odqFvotvOqqLegJRoCMxTe/bn+7s4QmGPN4KqWcvM4c=.sha256
Voted At the FSF office, preparing to go out to Pearson to protest for education,
@Alexandre Oliva %4rNBwYwjO5WiMhCmsQL0qQQTHHNkAS8A+S8tjyZ6vxc=.sha256

picture by Valessio Brito

@ktorn %PMsg6ulkkl8RE1ig15aJA8VPLLtyD/Dz5TGxsZtJD28=.sha256
Voted At the FSF office, preparing to go out to Pearson to protest for education,
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