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@dan %4wI590/zWv7/zsCPFvBRUhwthGivf4rdjmGFzOn1OJ0=.sha256
Re: %5x9AOdw7r

RE: opt-in opt-out

at simply secure residency we each had a name badge on

  • Name
  • pronoun
  • socials
  • green sticker if you opted-in to being in photos. so if someone did not have a green sticker on them then you were to assume they didn't cosent to photos...

There was also chattam house rules

Chatham House Rule
/ˌtʃatəm haʊs ˈruːl/Submit
plural noun: Chatham House Rules
a rule or principle according to which information disclosed during a meeting may be reported by those present, but the source of that information may not be explicitly or implicitly identified.
"the conference was held under the Chatham House Rule"

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