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@mmckegg %5hor6lFFv3tfwvugKTMcaIfTKMpnSw3qg5cNK+fDVio=.sha256
Re: %DxQpzCl/x


Still on break from SSB world. Very glad to see so much activity and interesting conversations happening! But I'm also glad to be taking some distance and clearing my head.

Not sure if I'll be getting back into dev work before kiwiburn (24th-28th Jan) + a gathering in the forest (2-6th Feb). But we'll see. Might be nice to push out a new release of patchwork to roll in some of those recent pull requests and fixes.

I'll probably try and apply for a February scuttlegrant for more patchwork dev!

I've been hard at work the last couple of weeks completely redesigning my live music setup to be entirely hardware (NO LAPTOP), but still preserving my work done on the Loop Drop sequencer by running Node.js on a Beaglebone. So I can trigger all of my synths from a Launchpad and create looping sequences. AND NO MORE SILLY COMPUTER GLITCHES AND WEB AUDIO FAILURES! :fire:

Will hopefully publish a whole blog post about it once I've got it all working :grinning: #midi #synthesisers #loopdrop #hardware

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