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@kas %63mEaD+n9QOI0nI5FpzB5unoXZkay66hHYNoM8pnlOo=.sha256
Re: %PtxLfewN0



I have one problem: The ssb-fulltext package, somewhere within its Russian dolls hierarchy, requires or installs leveldown@1.9 which cannot be built with node@10. I can run patchfoo with ssb-fulltext disabled but it's suboptimal. I believe it happens somewhere in the levi submodule, but there's a lot of leveldown going on there:

$ find ssb-fulltext -type f -name package.json -print0 \
  | xargs -r0 grep leveldown > ssb-fulltext_fscked_leveldown.txt


Any suggestions?

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