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@mix %XFPG6hsTw6Mk82xwYnqkOteI89XmTMwssaxHXey8xCw=.sha256

Patchbay is a little more gregarious - it gossips out to 3 hops along friend lines, whereas patchwork only goes 2 hops (your friends friends). This means you see a lot more people in patchbay. The /public feed should perhaps be retired at some point... it's pretty chaotic.

With /posts glyph is correct that you can see threads "rolled up". When a thread gets new posts it's moved to the top of the page again (the default view is "UPDATE" which is ordering by what's been updated. You can change it to "STARTED" and that's ordered by when they're started by. phew, that needs some better design).

Make sure you check out some of the patchbay unique features :

  • /chess
  • /books
  • /calendar
  • /inbox
@mix %toLBzMQ8hG2+b0Y4i3TfZ1mdKAaNmwUVw8rT8dr0+D4=.sha256

p.s. glad you like the UI @Jen, the positive feedback is really appreciated <3

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@mix %qlugtdJdLz0v/gnFcIpqRuTcVSmUZtZEk5g+SokjCRk=.sha256

@Jen the ones that are a month old are probably at the top because they've been "revived" because someone just added something to the thread. If you want just threads ordered by when they were originally started try "sort by START"

Yeah the jumping around thing is unsettling huh ... that's all the new stuff flowing in if you're at the top of the page and there's been updates. It's not broken, it's just doing it's darndest to get things up to date and in order. Poor design and needs some love!

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@mix %Xf4tEtdIBb72af1Ybjie+urBBaTByCNS9Nkw636NVcE=.sha256
Voted [@mix](@ye+QM09iPcDJD6YvQYjoQc7sLF/IFhmNbEqgdzQo3lQ=.ed25519) Wow you are
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