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@dan %8hu6ul75eRo72oQlKXAtzeiNX1VvXxjEchuo+b2AnrE=.sha256
Re: %NlzCWisnH

@Alanna - that's great! Super exciting. We get to run the ceremony distributed and async now :smiley:

We're in new territory here, so it's an opporunity to write up an opinionated document in how to do this. I'll add it to my todo list and post it up for review.

I think it's going to be as easy as everyone starting a new electrum wallet, deciding the quorum, sharing our seeds async (likely in a private group). We'd then need to send the funds from the old wallet to the new wallet. Finally, we should run a ceremonial destruction of the old wallet file so that we don't get them jumbled up (though maybe that's a bad idea).

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