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@Dominic %8jeHRwUsOXZIEMD+PbCTIPsdSYLFlTbJtpAwZyGlQSo=.sha256
Re: %Z28HK1soI

the trouble with these sorts of discussions is one person is like "I have all these secrets I want no one to ever find out" and you wonder, what could it possibly be? but of course you can't ask, because that would defeat the purpose.

solution is just to assume it's embarassingly bad teenage poetry.

Oh, maybe we can use @indutny's poetry generator to encode encrypted files as bad poetry and then know one will know if you are writing bad poetry or not because everyone will be

@ktorn %dhrYKG4su876KJ8ftKXSiC2i8n+T7InAqXQhgQsG5H0=.sha256


It could be bad poetry, or details on how one goes to the toilet. I recall that particular one resonates with you. Each one has their reasons.

One way or another one day you will stream your life, unedited, to a digital system (it may become illegal not to do so). I hope we can build a decentralised user-owned alternative to third-party control of such personal data.

Curiously, just came back home from watching "The Circle" in the cinema. How fitting.

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