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@mmckegg %9FZmkRn5HvsltJOHQgOSMz2foaemvZPPfxNrvZJ/zhw=.sha256
Re: %YZ8dY4zNT


  • blocking should be easy, and the user should have lots of control over it (and what they do and don't see afterwards... I might also like to block someone, but still be able to record their abuse)
  • the defaults should be skewed towards safety and narrower connection, even if at the expense of generating new connection

Thanks for your feedback, and it is good to hear both of these ideas re-enforced.

I'm currently sitting on a big update to Patchwork that reduces down the replication distance (you only see people you follow, and replies from people they follow instead of the current 3 hops), and adds an easy block button on every profile. Block stops all replication with that person (both directions) and hides all posts made by them in the past from your view.

Also, when you hover over someone, you get a popup showing you if any of your friends block the person, and if not, how many and which of your friends are friends with this person. If you view someones profile, the interface now gives you a hint as to whether they will be able to see your posts.

I am interested in your idea about "one-way" blocking someone (i.e. you still see their posts but they can't see yours). This should be possible, however if enough of your friends block them, it would be less likely that their messages will even propagate to you.

I'll hopefully get this published in the next couple of days, but anyone is welcome to try it out by building from source off the current github master.

cc @marina @substack

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