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@mmckegg %BOfuhLCji5QCbjEKxP4LUG2cGmkPWZSiOb9euCUAj0k=.sha256
Re: %uSukBEzOx


What you propose is quite similar my pub based groups proposal from a while back. There was some discussion about whether a pub should be able to handle multiple groups (people generally agreed, yes). And ideally it should be possible to move a group to a different pub later (or avoid depending on a single one).

What's great about just using a pub as a group is that we can use the existing invite system. This ends up mostly just reframing what pubs are. Like you say, some UI tweaks are needed to be able to organise the content correctly in terms of these group pubs.

I think this is something we should take another look at.

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