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@ev %BYtLfkoF2tGqm1azUZYhtnI2lZrAevdWF5qKBUAI1Ec=.sha256
Re: %PtxLfewN0


Creating ssb-wiki was a stretch goal for my #ssb-grant. However, I decided to take a stab at making it a reality today by implementing a new post type, wiki. I also implemented the render, and associated buttons. So, it turns out ssb-wiki is ready to go.

You can see this work in my latest git-ssb commit

You can test out ssb-wiki now on a testnet at or clone down the latest version of %mvd: git clone ssb://%NPNNvcnTMZUFZSWl/2Z4XX+YSdqsqOhyPacp+lgpQUw=.sha256

Wiki posts are a little different from normal posts:

  • Anyone can edit a wiki post (on normal posts, only you can edit)
  • Edits are accepted from anyone within your foaf (friend of a friend) social network
  • There is no way to 'reply' to a wiki, instead it can only be edited
  • On the wiki thread you can see a list of all the associated edits to the wiki over time

Once diff messages are implement, those edit messages will look a lot sexier.


What's next?

  • Implement diff message renders
  • Clone down Patchwork and try to figure out how I'm going to get mutable messages and ssb-wiki merged into patchcore
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