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@Hendrik Peter %BvnHlwJ/YQ9qDzyYfwb7s87gh+u2Wx42ZZ20Oul+SEI=.sha256

Le Sigh


It's just one of those gray days today where things just jab at me.

  • I'm kinda lonely.
  • Christmas will probably end up sucking this year (since my parents can't travel out of Jordan and I'm pretty much barred from traveling to the rest of the family across the border in the Netherlands anyway).
  • The weather is gray and the sun isn't rising.
  • The moving date to my new place was moved from the 19th of December to the 9th of January (since the previous tenants plan to move out just before Christmas).
  • Global Code is pretty stagnant right now with no-one knowing if we can even travel to Ghana this summer.
  • and the walls of my bedroom/living-room/office-combo are starting to become as bland as my daily routines at this point.

So I decided to flex out from my job for an afternoon, grab my coat and walk to my little spot at the docks here in town. Just to scream at nothing in particular, get back to my senses and just reset I guess. It was nice! (though I hope I didn't give anyone living in the new apartments across the bay a scare).

I ended up reflecting on myself and discovered that the main reason I'm feeling down is that I don't actually have a target or goal right now. I've either met all my current targets, can't meet them or don't feel like meeting them.
So that's something I need to work on over the next couple of days; decide what I want to dive into and learn, where I want to see myself in 12 months and pick the threads back up!

So my plan:

  • Find a fun place to celebrate Christmas
  • MSTeams meetup with the gang of trainees & interns that I'm getting next quarter and get myself (and them) pumped up for the next quarter (that was already in my planning for tomorrow).
  • Set up and figure out new development goals for the product I'm working on with my customer before Christmas
  • Get serious with cross-country skiing, which is a fairly socially distanced outdoor sport here in North Sweden as soon as the snow falls.
  • Take a few days off between Christmas and the new year and jump on a train to Abisko with my hiking skis and charge my batterie in the wild outdoors
  • Decide on fun activities to learn and do in 2021
  • Meet at least 15 new people monthly for the next few months
  • Figure out how one does "dating" with the ongoing restrictions & advices.
  • and perhaps take a lead on the Global Code initiative and organize an online meetup programme for this summer.


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