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@cel-desktop %CLAppjPbgHJQQSNSRQCXPg+nmzI4R2sV+jCn0FsUW9M=.sha256
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Log excerpt:

@Cory ~😎 %9SWXx7OGfBodFSVD8JCOiGyeQsewY30dZ2S4GRApYv8=.sha256

@cel-desktop A few lines up, do you have: os.arch is xxx? I supported x86_64 and aarch64. I'm guessing yours is something different?

Note to self: IOException starting process: Cannot run program "/data/user/0/com.unprompted.tildefriends/files/tildefriends" (in directory "/data/user/0/com.unprompted.tildefriends/files"): error=2, No such file or directory

@cel-desktop %zLMNdaNF16adWwuAD14/hyK0q7DPxrxwuZYPg0Qvwx4=.sha256

@Cory ~😎 Yes (armv8l)

@Cory ~😎 %mPhgooRwXG4Zow+I7nVcRDepzBQegBd5BQKqmyePa0U=.sha256

@cel-desktop OK. It's probably not going to be high on the list, but I guess there's a chance it'll just work without too much effort, so I'm sure I'll give 32-bit support a shot sometime and let you know how it goes. Thanks for reporting.

@Cory ~😎 %crI5lYZvB8USAK4APi1X4RDZIzmpPov7Ql860mUT62w=.sha256

0.0.12 is going to add armeabi-v7a and x86 support.

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