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@mix %1ZARpP+dgoAeVDO9SJptZVrfK+e/ywUyYY7ZOgfmVcA=.sha256

this was part of the beauty of having @robguthrie and @james kiesel run us through the data model of - they've settled on something which is really elegantly polymorphic!

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@mix %UQ74X7UJtioVH5D2cty5h1/vT92mLTXdesISbQDEbDA=.sha256

We'll open it as soon at we can @nanomonkey. I don't know what you mean by the overlap concepts/ elegance.

We probably aren't able to do much tunng and tweaking - there's a limited budget and a lot to do to get it to a beautiful working state.

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