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@mmckegg %D21W5aLqnf8qnGP6Vn+EihumAQ3EirPuhgbQpQjxtI4=.sha256
Re: %DxQpzCl/x


Started testing, and all of the mutual stuff is working great! However the local agreements are all broken. They’re not extending the graph (joining with other connected sameAs values), just face value links. We need them to join the graph otherwise agreeing with someones lost key sameAs won’t join with all of their other mutual sameAs messages.

But this is good progress for today! I now have the beginnings of an sbot plugin (ssb-same-as) that provides a realtime stream (sbot.sameAs.createSameAsStream) of all resolved “same as” relationships between for all feed you know about. Next step will be to include this in patchcore and use it to merge various queries.

I’m gonna go head off into town and hang out with @Ben in the bush with some beats! (we’re trying to get our battery powered synth setup perfect before kiwiburn in January) :deciduous_tree: :circus_tent: :fireworks:

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