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@mmckegg %ElMobp6OBHSYLK18LER4yPtxaNuGhFfYSa6IQ9OXuTs=.sha256
Re: %meTZoGO9V

The outputs and inputs are working! And so is the recording. However the recorded audio sounds funny. Seems like echo cancellation is the cause. Looks like I need to call getUserMedia with {echoCancellation: false} because it default to on. That also explains why the samples I recorded back in the day sounded so funny.

Now let’s see if it is in sync! It’s not :( It’s also really loud compared to the LJ output. Probably gonna need to put some kind of volume control on the tracks. For now, we can put a default 0.6 or something on it. But what to do about the sync? Is there a way to detect the delay?

Oh wait, I hadn’t actually disabled the audioCancellation and that was adding some latency. Needed to add a {exact: false} to it for some reason. And now the latency is much better. Oh adding an offset to the recorded clip of 1 / sampleRate * 256 seemed to magically pull it perfectly in line.

AND IT IS ALL WORKING. :boom: I JUST JAMMEDED AND PREROLL RECORDED EVERYTHING INCLUDING MY EXTERNAL SYNTHS!!! :loudspeaker: AWESOME!! :sparkles: Now let’s home there aren’t any more surprises and I can get on with actually preparing the music for my set instead of working on the software for my gig.

I suppose if I record anything good, I can figure out how to export it then! Should update my ableton live export to include secondary tracks. That’s probably more important than getting the loop drop editor working.

Sigh, if only getUserMedia could get more than 2 channels.... then Loop Drop would be a full on DAW!

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