At the of what I think I am trying to say is that the conditions and constraints that we are working to nessecarily require a different way of working than if we were all in the same tz and location.
FWIW as I have said, I don't think we're super far way from this - it's something in expectations, hopes, communications pauses and practices which allow common understanding often... I think this is why in our particular case, for interface work actual prototypes built and referancable are likely the most effective way to that.
for things like underlying crypto - @peg's drum beat with keks and dominic with some input from mix has been shown to be a good longform method for that PLUS some deeper calls with mix to regather.
Compared to many projects and organisations I have worked in, working in the open and the level of communication and care we aim for means we are already really far along the Path to common space - we shouldn't forget this!