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@mmckegg %EvLdtMC/YXvvL5HCtz46c4dTWDKUnQ/TEEvZ3p4pF5Q=.sha256
Re: %JjSO5d5/l


Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, I believe something like this would involve some deep breaking changes to #scuttlebot in the way that feed replication works.

Do I understand you correctly that from an outside perspective, an identity is no longer a fixed key, instead it changes every so often? Is there a "primary" key here? If so who controls the private key to that primary key?

Please forgive me if I am interpreting your suggestion too much though the lens of how identities currently work!

the consensus here might be a little blurry part, since the whole process is not be interactive; care needs to be taken so that things are not "stuck", waiting for one device or something like that

Yeah that is true. I think that will come down to getting the user interface right.

Also (slightly controversial opinion), a partial state might not be so bad if we embrace a small amount of subjectivity in this. What I mean by that is a one way assertion still has some merit if that feed is trusted.

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