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@Dominic %GsgzI9IFX26NlcvXRys7fDOsLnEnu8yMZk2PHLs7x9Q=.sha256
Re: %zDWOim+7I

I think every system has an implicit social theory - you don't need to subscribe to neofeudalism, but urbit does have an explicit heirachy where people own the namespace. I just don't think scarcity is a solution. I think scarcity is a problem.
And that is why ssb avoids scarcity and heirachy and enables consent and community. You don't need to subscribe to my hippie politics to use ssb, but you still get it a bit just by using it, and likewise you can't use urbit without engaging with the social structures that Yarvin wanted to create.

What Urbit and SSB have in common is that we are both trying to create a computer society as we want the world to be.

#someoneshould write a science fiction where there are no more countries, and instead the world is divided by the different cryptographic p2p protocols they use.

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